TCRC Division 660
Summary of Bylaws relating to Division structure, qualification of officers and term of office
In the TCRC, each division has specific officers, including a President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, Alternate for the Secretary-Treasurer, Chaplain, three Trustees (Auditing Committee), Delegate to the Rail Conference, first and second Alternates, Legislative Representative, and Alternates for each represented craft. Each Local Committee of Adjustment comprises three members: the Local Chairman and a minimum of two Local Vice-Chairmen.
No member can be nominated, elected, or serve as an officer if they are not in good standing or have dues in arrears. However, members whose dues are withheld by their employer per collective bargaining agreements are exempt from disqualification.
Only members who do not hold membership in other labour organizations representing railway workers and meet active membership requirements can be elected to various positions.
The Local Chairman of each Local Committee of Adjustment is the Delegate to their respective General Committee of Adjustment. Vice Local Chairman positions do not serve as alternates to the office of the Local Chairman.
The offices of the President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, Local Chairman, and Legislative Representative constitute the Executive Board of the division.
Eligibility to run for office will be determined by the applicable provisions of the IBT Constitution as modified in Paragraph 6.8 of the Merger Agreement starting January 1, 2006.
The President and Vice President cannot hold the office of Secretary-Treasurer, Local Chairman, or member of the Local Committee of Adjustment.
If a Rail Conference member is dismissed from railway service, they will still be considered in active service until all investigations and appeals of their case are closed.
Members promoted to official positions or employed in management positions cannot serve in any capacity under or for the Rail Conference or attend division meetings.
The term for all officers of divisions and delegates commences at the first regular meeting in January following the quadrennial election or vacancy occurrence and ends when a successor is installed.
When an officer relinquishes their office, they must turn over all related files, letters, or communications to their successor promptly.